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Creative Developer
SOSO LimitedBoston, MA -
Innovation Engineer
PearsonLondon, UK -
UE5 Real Time VFX Artist
Dominic Harris StudioLondon, UK -
Digital Project Manager (Immersive Experiences)
VoxelStoke-on-Trent -
Design, Interactivity and Media Arts (DIMA) Instructor (Graphic Design)
Metropolitan Community CollegeElkhorn, NE -
Software Engineer – Effect Core, Generative AI Effect Tools
TikTokSan Jose, CA
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Lake Texcoco 112-D Col. Anáhuac, Del. Miguel Hidalgo CDMX, México C.P. 11320 -
1828 Jefferson St. NE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418, US -
Hard Work Party
New York, USA -
Intus Interactive Design
Enrique Pestalozzi 35. Col. Narvarte. CP 03000. CDMX -
Oakland, CA 94606, US -
The Experiential Co.
Los Angeles
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