Adrien Oneiga


Adrien Oneiga

Creative Director & Producer

Member Since 2021


Hi! I’m a creative producer and artist, sharing my work through film, interactive technology, physical arts and music. I started off with painting, making my way into galleries and eventually designing for brands early on. my first big break was a custom Timberland shoe collab. Being a rock climber, i got into shooting photos in all sorts of remote locations, experimenting with video and animation, which eventually led to creating moving art and teaching myself to VJ and DJ cohesive sets. I moved to LA to pursue Cinematography, with a knowledge of high end camera systems and motion control, i found myself working on commercials and IMAX productions and soon enough, going full circle as real-time graphics became more accessible and designing content for live performances and starting work in virtual production. These days i’m looking for continuing opportunities as Creative Director, Virtual Production Supervisor, and working on my own experiments in the Lab which involve creating work in volumetric visual form with ambisonic sound.


2003 to 2007
CU Boulder Interdisciplinary Studies + Theory

i wanted to find meaning in my creative work so i studied things like philosophy, ethics, psychology, anthropology, art history and ethnomusicology, i also found a cool class in the engineering department about fuid visualization, and i was awarded a scholarship to Tibet where i studied traditional art and met contemporary artists, which would lead to the first US exhibit of their work.

Work & Experience

Virtual Production Producer ARWall
4/21 to 5/21

I worked from start to finish on a film, translating the director’s vision into multiple virtual scenes which had background, and live cue elements. I worked with the DoP around physical and virtual lighting, merged virtual and physical set with the Production Designer, and helped the VFX, Post and Unreal Engine Artists find their way in a very mixed reality workflow that broke all barriers.

Key Visualist / Screens Producer Secret Film Company
7/20 to 8/20

I designed a couple of interactive shader effects in TouchDesigner,did volumetric capture and Pixel mapped lights for an upcoming Series about Sound.

Producer All of It Now
6/20 to Present
Second Camera GMUNK

I shot some scenes for GMUNKS film DECIMA which will premiere at OFFF Festival 2022

TouchDesigner Developer Verizon / Radiant Images
11/19 to 1/20

I worked with Radiant Images to help as part of the first ever 8K livestream over a 5G network for the NFL Probowl. We did live stitching on 8K Insta360 Cameras, one mounted to the NFL Skycam and one on the field. We maintained an 8K pipeline in a live broadcast truck, titles and all, and i projection mapped a dome in Miami from Orlando, over 5G.

Technical Director Vincent LaForet

I created an interactive lighting scenario for Vincent LaForet to photograph the LA Chargers football team.

Cinematographer IMAX

I shot the solar eclipse and Indigenous ceremony for an upcoming IMAX film.

Cinematographer + Producer Conservation International

I worked with Sea Legacy & OnlyOne Founder Shawn Heinrichs on a conservation project in New Caledonia. we filmed on land and underwater to create a short film to showcase the beauty of the region and the importance of the Marine protection program. my fluency in french also came in handy for interviews.

Candidates Video

